Why am I getting the error "Non-blob column in table required to perform operation" when trying to access a BLOB or CLOB with Oracle 8?

TTables and Live TQueries may not allow access to Oracle 8 CLOB or BLOB fields when the user has a role of DBA, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, IMP_FULL_DATABASE or SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE especially if the table was created by a user without one of these roles. Users with these roles return LOB indexes in the list of index definitions because the BDE queries a different set of system views compared to users without these roles.

These LOB indexes do not have corresponding column definitions. The error will occur when the primary key has a name that causes it to be sorted after the LOB indexes in the result set.

The error does not occur for users with roles other than DBA, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, IMP_FULL_DATABASE or SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.

To determine what roles a the current user has query SYS.USER_ROLE_PRIVS.

To determine what roles all users have been granted query SYS.DBA_ROLE_PRIVS when logged in as a user with a GRANTED role of DBA, EXP_FULL_DATABASE, IMP_FULL_DATABASE or SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.

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