Using BLOB I/O an error, 'Memo Too Large' is returned. The error
is: General SQL Error: 7134, unmapped [text: text table and
table reference by the text pointer disagree.]. This is not a
problem if the table does not contain a unique index. In this
case all BLOB information is retrieved through the execution of
the query. What does this error mean and how can I resolve it?


A fix to MSSQL server is available from Microsoft: - Intel Patch or - Alpha Patch

The password to use when extracting the files
is "6.50.265" (without the quotation marks). To extract with the password, the syntax is:
sql265i.exe -s6.50.265

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    thanks. you may also try the mssql repair program, it quickly parses corrupted files of specified format and retrieves the source data from affected documents when possible. It may become a good addition to other ways of keeping your data safe

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